Video- Rabbi Shaul Praver sings Hebrew prayer at Newtown vigil
All things culture, particularly arts, reviews, books,poetry politics, GLBT issues and more.

Learning patience
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Contact Senator Sanders: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)
Contact Senator Sanders: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont) check this out. This guy is a true progressive. We need to get together and reform our democratic government.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Lionel Barrymore: A Crusty Curmugdeon...But Only On-Screen!MovieFanFare
Lionel Barrymore: A Crusty Curmugdeon...But Only On-Screen!MovieFanFare Terrific I've seen almost everything he has appeared in. I think they deserve the label royalty of the American theater and film industry. I can't think of actors who had their range and ability to deliver performances that were consistently good and emotionally compelling no matter what they were in.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Read and follow the money
This is who is running your so-called democracy. If you want real voting by real people-one vote one person try to push for campaign reform. The debt is not the real problem-the crooked elections are.
$ 9,155,113
METHODOLOGY: MapLight analysis of contributions to independent expenditure-only committees (super PACs). Contribution data source: Federal Election Commission, Jan. 1, 2011-Sept. 30, 2012, as of Oct. 29, 2012. Super PAC positions data source: Center for Responsive Politics.
EDITOR'S NOTE: If you use MapLight data, please cite us accordingly ("A MapLight analysis of FEC data ...").
This is who is running your so-called democracy. If you want real voting by real people-one vote one person try to push for campaign reform. The debt is not the real problem-the crooked elections are.
$ 9,155,113
METHODOLOGY: MapLight analysis of contributions to independent expenditure-only committees (super PACs). Contribution data source: Federal Election Commission, Jan. 1, 2011-Sept. 30, 2012, as of Oct. 29, 2012. Super PAC positions data source: Center for Responsive Politics.
EDITOR'S NOTE: If you use MapLight data, please cite us accordingly ("A MapLight analysis of FEC data ...").
Thursday, November 1, 2012
History's Magic Mirror: America’s Economic Crisis and the Weimar Republic of Pre-Nazi Germany
History's Magic Mirror: America’s Economic Crisis and the Weimar Republic of Pre-Nazi Germany
We have a lot to be afraid of depending on next weeks outcome. All the voter manipulation going on with the GOP and the hurricane. Will we be able to get through this election cycle believing that our elections are not being screwed up by immoral operatives? We'll see about voter fraud Fla. style next week. I hope the democrats will not be so spineless this time around if irregularities by GOP are found and won't back down when challenged.
We have a lot to be afraid of depending on next weeks outcome. All the voter manipulation going on with the GOP and the hurricane. Will we be able to get through this election cycle believing that our elections are not being screwed up by immoral operatives? We'll see about voter fraud Fla. style next week. I hope the democrats will not be so spineless this time around if irregularities by GOP are found and won't back down when challenged.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott Says PS 195 5th Grader Kameron Slade Will Be Allowed To Deliver Speech Supporting Same-Sex Marriage « CBS New York
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott Says PS 195 5th Grader Kameron Slade Will Be Allowed To Deliver Speech Supporting Same-Sex Marriage « CBS New York Learning about discrimination and hate at school! What's wrong with this picture. Fire the principal. This individual does not belong in an educational capacity. Teaching hate politics and censorship is not an education mandate unless you are a KKK or GOP hate monger. Scapegoating a population is not the American way despite the fascists in our society who like the Nazis of the 1930s would like to make it so. It could happen here if we are not alert.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Dissent Magazine - Online Features - The Genderless War on Women’s Health -
Dissent Magazine - Online Features - The Genderless War on Women’s Health - The inherent dangers of a genderless approach are that women's concerns tend to disappear. Recently on the upper floors of a Manhattan based gay center--the distinction Woman's room disappeared but MEN's rooms still are labeled as such. What's wrong with this picture!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Boy, 4, sings anti-gay hymn in Indiana church
Boy, 4, sings anti-gay hymn in Indiana church
It is happening here, it has happened here. Tomorrow belongs to me from Cabaret is something that is now. You have to be carefully taught as the song from South Pacific reminds us and this is a horrible example of filling toddler minds with hate and reinforcing adult agendas. From the Klan to these people the extremes are alive and well in the US of A. We need to be alert and vote these representatives out of congress and our government or we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
It is happening here, it has happened here. Tomorrow belongs to me from Cabaret is something that is now. You have to be carefully taught as the song from South Pacific reminds us and this is a horrible example of filling toddler minds with hate and reinforcing adult agendas. From the Klan to these people the extremes are alive and well in the US of A. We need to be alert and vote these representatives out of congress and our government or we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Winnaretta Singer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Winnaretta Singer Polignac was one of the strangest lovers Romaine Brooks ever encountered. Their affair began in 1905 when Romaine first moved to Paris. The laison effectively ended Winnaretta's affair with Olga de Meyer, who was married at the time and whose godfather (and purported biological father) was Edward VII. Princess Winnie then bedded composer and conductor Ethel Smyth. In the early 1920s Polignac became involved with pianist Renata Borgatti who Romaine also had an affair with. The princesses most famous affair was with the British socialite and novelist Violet Trefusis, with whom she had a loving but often turbulent and sadistic relationship.That lasted for over a decade. Her last lover was Alvilde Chaplin, future wife of the author James Lees-Milne, was involved with Singer from 1938 to 1943; the two women were living together in London at the time of Winnaretta's death.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Mary Beth Edelson: A long over due tribute
First disclaimers, as an art historian/working critic I have known Mary Beth Edelson and her work since the feminist revolution of the 1970s. This being said I have to say I was knocked out by how au current the content of her art is now. The escalating war on women's rights being forwarded by the most extreme politicians and their puppet masters on the planet and in the US of A only serves to make us realize how very revolutionary her art was then and how radical it is today.
"The most intimate works included in the exhibition are a series of unique 10” x 12” black and white photographs with oil and collage that picture the artist’s early 1970’s ritual performances. This initial exploration of the possibilities of feminist “body art” has been widely reproduced and influential for subsequent generations of artists." The publicity blurb hardly covers the ground of what Edelson has done since her famous president setting appropriation of Leonardo's Last Supper in which she replaced his supporters with great women heroes of the past and then recent history. The original which was bought by the Museum of Modern art is on view in working form at the gallery (547 West 27th St. 6th Floor).
Not only is Mary Beth a cutting edge with it now artist but she also has a wicked sense of humor. I was highly amused by her women with guns series that included Bride of Frankenstein, Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde, and assorted other pistol packing mamas drawn from grade B film noir.
In this telling exhibition, Edelson now age 80 has let fly her imagination covering one wall with cut-outs embodying her most radical images. This is a virtual collage of her inspirations and a wonderful homage to all that inspired the feminist revolution of the 1970s and beyond.
If you have any political leanings, if you desire to be an activist and part of the solution not the on-going problem do not miss this Edelson's exhibition nor the excellent essay by Eleanor Hartney that accompanies it in the catalogue. Your mind will be opened, your spirit inspired and your activism ignited.
"The most intimate works included in the exhibition are a series of unique 10” x 12” black and white photographs with oil and collage that picture the artist’s early 1970’s ritual performances. This initial exploration of the possibilities of feminist “body art” has been widely reproduced and influential for subsequent generations of artists." The publicity blurb hardly covers the ground of what Edelson has done since her famous president setting appropriation of Leonardo's Last Supper in which she replaced his supporters with great women heroes of the past and then recent history. The original which was bought by the Museum of Modern art is on view in working form at the gallery (547 West 27th St. 6th Floor).
Not only is Mary Beth a cutting edge with it now artist but she also has a wicked sense of humor. I was highly amused by her women with guns series that included Bride of Frankenstein, Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde, and assorted other pistol packing mamas drawn from grade B film noir.
In this telling exhibition, Edelson now age 80 has let fly her imagination covering one wall with cut-outs embodying her most radical images. This is a virtual collage of her inspirations and a wonderful homage to all that inspired the feminist revolution of the 1970s and beyond.
If you have any political leanings, if you desire to be an activist and part of the solution not the on-going problem do not miss this Edelson's exhibition nor the excellent essay by Eleanor Hartney that accompanies it in the catalogue. Your mind will be opened, your spirit inspired and your activism ignited.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
n 1: On the Market
n 1: On the Market Love this. A moment of truth in the great hype that surrounds art and the darkly shadowed dealings of the delivery system. What this has to do with art? EVERYTHING! If you can't sell it, get it in a New York, Paris, Berlin etc. gallery you aren't an artist or so the corporate money machine wants you to believe. What would they have done with Rembrandt? Forget Nevelson and even Cindy Sherman who has made it knows how much the facade counts and how expensive the truly artificial is. Why do they do it--BECAUSE they can!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Cindy Sherman at the MOMA NYC
On my second go around of the show I overheard a young woman remark to her boy friend as she stood in front to one of Sherman's untitled pieces, Ugh! I don't like this--to which he replied --me neither and they both veered off toward less threatening pieces. What was this art that so repulsed these twenty somethings. A reprise of Courbet's Source which had been shoved off into a specially created closet for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's show a few years ago. Sherman's however, was a delightful riff on the whole idea of the gender/sex/identity theories floating around. It showed a dual torso with a pink ribbon bisecting it's middle. On one side a ruby red vagina directed your eye to the orchid like opening and on the other side of the divide a penis adorned with a cock ring and rising greeted your unbelieving eyes.
Why this was so off-putting to most of the audience in the MOMA the day we went is beyond me. Perhaps it is the on-going puritanicalism that has so frozen any possibility of comfort when it comes to discussing, indulging and experiencing the truly erotic in America? It's an area, as Sherman so rightly and pointedly suggests, we need to revisit again and again instead of shying away closing our eyes to what is in front of us.
Most viewers are drawn to images like these which are spectacular and rightly so. Only a really risk taking viewer would dare to linger in front of the Sherman I described. Go see the show and see for yourself. It is worth a first, second and third look because it is packed with provocative images by one of the best artists working today.
Why this was so off-putting to most of the audience in the MOMA the day we went is beyond me. Perhaps it is the on-going puritanicalism that has so frozen any possibility of comfort when it comes to discussing, indulging and experiencing the truly erotic in America? It's an area, as Sherman so rightly and pointedly suggests, we need to revisit again and again instead of shying away closing our eyes to what is in front of us.
Most viewers are drawn to images like these which are spectacular and rightly so. Only a really risk taking viewer would dare to linger in front of the Sherman I described. Go see the show and see for yourself. It is worth a first, second and third look because it is packed with provocative images by one of the best artists working today.
Tell the Park Service to phase out snowmobiles in Yellowstone Na: Thank You - Take Action!: NRDC's Save BioGems
Tell the Park Service to phase out snowmobiles in Yellowstone Na: Thank You - Take Action!: NRDC's Save BioGems Creeps on wheels indulging their infantile addictions at the expense of our environment, national treasures and the habitats that remain.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Save Idaho's Wolves From Aerial Gunning
Save Idaho's Wolves From Aerial Gunning Here we go again slaughter by cowards who don't even have the decency to hunt fair. Afraid of the wolves actually excaping or beating them in the wilderness! Not in my name. Not one more tax dollar for this cowardly murder project.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Florentine painting and more
Finally had a moment to catch the show at the Met. I was enchanted as always by the aesthetic considerations of these portraits but this time around more impressed by Ghirlandaio and Bellini. Why? Because of their ability to access the most moving of human emotions with such simplicity and insight.
First the wonderful portrait of an old man and little boy thought to be a grandfather and his grandson. Despite the old man's ugly face due to a chronic condition that distorted hin nose the angelic child looks up at him with adoring eyes. The gaze between these two is so touching in conveying the intimate connection, heartfelt connection that it takes your breath away. This is especially true in times like our own where true emotional connection and intimacy seem to be so rarely, authentically available for a variety of reasons too complex to get into in a blog.
The Bellini is entirely a different matter. I remembered it vividly because a very talented painter friend of mine had based a painting of his lover on the Bellini. The original was a perfect blend of decorative motifs of lillies and various other symbols surrounding an old priest. The contrast of the super sized flowers with their brunished bronzed leaves, white flowers and upright stalks made a perfect setting for the realistically rendered head of this old man. The beauty of the composition, understanding of scale and color balance is damn near perfect. I would be hard put to find a better portrait in the entire history of art. The ability of Bellini to render character too is telling. He shows us a character that is resolute, inwardly focused and other worldly. The face is a map of this man's life, ambiitons and adaptations.
In these two portraits each artist has been able to reveal the deepest human emotions before our eyes. What we do with what they have presented is part of how great art lives and transcends its time.
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