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Friday, October 14, 2011
Healthcare for all a cultural issue
You betcha! Artists are cultural workers and as such often have no way to pay over $600.00 a month for healthcare. This group is trying to highlight the issue at a time when the flat-landers and know/no nothings are busy killing off what little safety net we have left in their version/vision of the American future they envision. The House just passed a murder woman bill that boggles the mind when it is wrapped in what they style 'Christian" compassion. Any hospital can refuse to perform a life-saving abortion. Human cell tissue is more alive than the woman carrying it-by their lights-out brains. And, Obama just jettisoned the long term part of the health plan as too expensive when it might have allowed family care givers to be paid rather than insurance companies squeezing the last pennies out of distressed working families. Is this the America we wanted to see. No, I don't think the 99% ever envisioned Eric Cantor and company's utopia. Great for the elites like the artistocrats of old and the peasants be damned. Fight the wars and die so the rich can play on. Well you know what the French did with that. They got carried away but had a point and delivered it sharply to the heads that oppressed them. Yes Artists need healthcare.
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